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Challenge Theme

The Great Outdoors

See what happened at the NorthWest Arkansas event this year!

Make48 is a 48-hour competition where teams are presented with a challenge and tasked to build a physical prototype, create a sales sheet, produce a 1-minute marketing video and pitch their big idea to a panel of judges. 


This September, Make48 will host the competition at NorthWest Arkansas Community College in Bentonville, AR. With access to expert tool technicians and high-tech equipment, competing teams will have the power to build almost anything.


For this challenge, collaboration is the key to success. Many people have big ideas but few possess the resources to develop a prototype that turns them into reality. To build anything, different skills, materials and equipment must work together to create a final product. Make48 allows this process to be achieved with a fun, fast-paced, and educational event. First place team wins $2000 and advances to the nationals in November 2023.

As the largest community college in Arkansas, NWACC is recognized by two-year colleges as a leader in education. With the building of their Integrated Design Lab on campus and an additional facility in Washington County, NWACC continues to excel in providing the Northwest Arkansas community with high-ranking degree and certification programs in science, technology, culinary and more.

The college’s Integrated Design Lab offers a physical makerspace that puts design into practice. Throughout the lab, you’ll find student and community programming that encourages innovation, collaboration and the testing of creative entrepreneurial ideas by utilizing the skills learned in areas of fine arts, design, construction and business.  Which is why Make48 chose NWACC to host one of their collaborative innovation competitions!

Event Date: September 8-10, 2023


Team Application

We’re seeking diverse teams to compete at Make48 NWACC. Team members must be 18+. The spirit of innovation is within us all - let’s see what you’re capable of creating! 

First place team wins $2000 and advances to the nationals in November 2023.

Applications are closed!


Sponsor The Event

Make48 is made possible with generous support from our sponsors. Celebrate the maker-mindset and engage with your community in an impactful way by sponsoring this event. A variety of investment levels are available.



Tool-Tech Application

Tool-Techs are essential for competing teams to achieve success. Offer your expertise and professional skill by volunteering your time as a Tool-Tech. 



Volunteer Application

The energy of these dynamic events is contagious and to execute them flawlessly we need your help! Volunteer to support the event in a number of ways from helping with setup to registering teams as they arrive.


Quantum Coffee Logo
Heartland Forward Logo
Rick's Bakery logo

Our Proud Sponsors

T-Mobile logo
visit bentonville logo
greater bentonville area chamber of commerce logo
OZ Logo
university of arkansas logo
the delta school logo
Fastenal Logo
shopbot logo
gridlock table logo
lincoln electric logo
the innovation hub logo
wagner logo
matterhackers logo
Rick's Logo
37 north logo
epilog laser logo
Kreg Tool Logo logo
plug and play logo
BECON Bentonville Economic Development logo
Outdoor ECOM logo
heartland forward logo
quantum coffee logo

Team Bios

derek, jason and aldrin from team makineers


The Makineers used to work in the same department of a local monopoly, and found that they enjoy solving problems to the best of their ability. Welcome Derek, Jason & Aldrin!

stephanie, emily, joe, and daisy from team nwacc jacks


Stephanie, Emily, Joe & Daisy are students & alumni of NWACC, who have a passion for creating. Read more about them here

collin, hayden, nick and kurt from team rat scallions


With a penchant to collaborate and come up with solutions and problem solving, this quartet have always been creative.  Meet Collin, Hayden, Nick & Kurt!

allyson, james, colby, and shantee from team the golden eagles


Allyson, James, Colby & Shanteé all have a love for exploring new opportunities, looking for solutions, and solving any puzzle that comes our way. Read more about there team here

daniel, paige and preston from team ctrl alt defeat


This team tries to push themselves toward their goals. Welcome, Daniel, Paige, Preston and Kaleb!

caleb, river, hiba, and caden from team nwacc maker club


Welcome Caleb, River, Hiba and Caden! This team of Makers will collaborate together, like they do at the NWACC Maker Club. Read more about their team here

andrew, cameron, haskel, and john from team the delta school


These alumni and faculty coming from The Delta School are excited to take on the challenge.  Meet Andrew, Cameron, Haskel and John! 

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