Eight teams of innovators, creators and designers will go head-to-head to build a winning prototype at Make48’s signature invention-competition. From June 10-12, competitors will gather at GoCreate, A Koch Collaborative, and have 48 hours, to create a prototype, promotional video and sales sheet, and present their idea to a panel of judges.
The winning team will win $2,000 and advance to compete at 2023’s national competition. Make48’s Wichita City Series theme, selected by the community tasked by challenge sponsor Koch Industries, is Community Gardening. Specific challenge details will not be revealed until the competition kicks off.
Now meet your Wichita teams!
Meet Colleagues and best friends Laura and Rebecca! They love a good challenge and are both passionate, adventurous, and creative humanitarians. Laura and Rebecca are educators who believe they’ll make a great team because they are a perfect balance of systematic and creative thinking. Together they balance each other out and have become a positive force in each other's lives.

L Quadratics
L Quadratics is a dynamically capable team built on synergy and fueled by ambition. These variegated team members can draw on their diverse life experiences and expertises to troubleshoot any problem. With a sundry of interest and hobbies their capabilities are enhanced beyond what skills have been honed from their careers. Truly one of the most impressive teams that had ever been assembled in the history of this great nation and perhaps the entire world. Welcome to Make48 Lacie, Jay, Justin and Jo.

Meet the team representing the growing Kansas community, Team Andover. Julianna, Aiden and Chris are three kids interested in engineering and industrial design who kind of know each other but also just needed a group!

Luke-Warm Chili Peppers
Grant, Jerome, Joel and Khanh are a group of four friends who are current WSU students/graduates. Two of the members competed in last year’s competition and loved it so much they decided to put together the smartest people they could find to try and win it this year.

ICTech 1.0
Josh is an alumnus at Wichita Collegiate School and will captain the ICTech 1.0 team. Fellow members include current students Paul, Harry, and Elijah. This is a group of innovative students who have partaken in Best robotics and other creative endeavors of their own making. Paul is an excellent programmer, Elijah is a whizz with Catia, and Harry is an extraordinary creative thinker.

M&SW is a diverse team comprising of a professional, a college student, and a high schooler. This diversity of human life cycle will give us a unique ability to innovate from a social and technology perspective. Their team, M&SW was named after the common element that brought them together. A math teacher who inspires young students to learn science and technology through her love of Star Wars. Heath, Indgrid and Shibly are Team Math and Star Wars (M&SW).

That One Team
That One Team is a group containing individuals of very diverse backgrounds, from different countries and majors. They are a group of three mechanical engineers and an art education major. Felipe, Celine, Irene and Tyler will be bringing exceptional teamwork and skills to the table, with determination to create an item of great usefulness. They love to use ingenuity and creativity to innovate and find solutions to any emerging problem. In their minds, innovating is growth and prosperity.

The SweetTarts are a team of four females from Belle Plaine. Soon to be high school freshmen, Addi, Maddy, and Taryn are three friends who enjoy building, designing, and creating things. They heard about Make48 from their 8th grade teachers and were excited to put a team together. Their team captain Taylor is a Belle Plaine Alumni now going into her junior year at McPherson College.
