Have you seen the future of backyard entertainment called BocceRoll™?
Well Played WI, is a team of engineers, designers, and manufacturing experts from Madison, WI who are the brains behind BocceRoll™. Over the past two years, Ben, Claude, Nikki, and Zach have poured their hearts into bringing this AWESOME new yard game to all.
Since their Kickstarter went live, 1,419 backers have pledged $155,259 to help bring this project to life! In the first 10 minutes of being live, BocceRoll™ hit their target and then some. Here are a few targets they hit:
Fully funded in under 10 minutes
Hit $100k in under 48 hours
Received the Kickstarter "Project We Love" Badge
Currently over $155k+ from over 1419 backers!
Current orders of 1350+ units
Meet Your New Favorite Yard Game
BocceRoll™ offers a perfect balance of strategy and skill. It blends the best parts of Skee-Ball®, bocce, and cornhole to create an addictive and portable yard game you’ll want to take with you everywhere. The talented team who competed in the Make48 competition with their unique outdoor game, BocceRoll™, has made great strides to make sure the game is enjoyed by players of all ages.
Well Played WI have also meticulously crafted BocceRoll™ to ensure it meets the highest standards of quality, durability, and playability. BocceRoll™ was born out of the belief that healthy competition, thoughtful design, and irresistible fun can exist as one. It will surely be America’s next new favorite Yard Game!
The Kickstarter campaign is over, but the story for BocceRoll™ has just begun!
If you were lucky enough to pick up your game set during the Kicktarter campaign, here are a few points. Over the next two weeks, the Well Played WI team have noted the following will be taking place:
They’ll be placing a purchase order to fulfill all of your pledges plus additional inventory which is now available for pre-sale through their website. (playbocceroll.com)
They’ll make sure to post updates from now until November to keep you informed of how things are progressing with your BocceRoll™.
Check out this quick highlight of our 2021 Madison event!
Join the BocceRoll™ Community
On Sunday, August 29th, the first Inaugural BocceRoll™ Tournament will take place! From 12-4pm, the free tournament will be held at Vitense in Madison (next to the new beer garden). Visit this link to sign-up and/or learn more about the tournament on their Facebook page.
Stay updated with the latest news and developments. Follow BocceRoll™ on Instagram or on Facebook. Join the community and share your excitement for this innovative game. Visit their website https://www.playbocceroll.com/ to learn more.