From August 12 - 14th, eight teams will create a prototype for one of the best sustainable companies in the country. TREK Bicycle has called the challenge of “Sustainable Mobility” and over the course of 48 hours, teams will create at The FabLab Stoughton.
Educators, engineers, students, families and friends make up this diverse group of competitors. With the help of tool techs and mentors, teams will bring their ideas to life at The FabLab Stoughton.

The college students also known as the “Badgineers” (Kyle, Diana, George, & Megan) are University of Wisconsin-Madison Badgers who are ready to tear up the competition and sink their teeth into Madison Make48.
This diverse team of future engineers plus a nurse will claw its way to the top and won’t back down. They are primed to get their paws dirty and dig deep with exceptional teamwork, positivity, and inspiration. They’re excited to create and innovate!
WI Made

Team WI Made Group members, Trish, Evan and Clarissa (TEC) are from the Midwest, stepping out of their comfort zone, to have fun and expand their horizons.
TEC is ready to Collaborate And Listen, learn and be challenged, and put the Wisconsin Made stamp on it. Or maybe find Vanilla Ice to help with our brand new invention.

FIXtures is a dynamic collaboration of Architects & Engineers from Strang, Inc. Mitch, Alec, Ashley and Adam have a passion for making, problem solving, and creating crossover between design and the community.
The Fast and the Curious

Michelle and Jason work on engineering projects at Research Products Corporation. They are looking for the experience and a challenge.
We fail fast.

Understanding that the key to success is through failure,
three former students join Mark Westlake for a chance to relive the same excitement of throwing bad ideas in the dumpster that they had building experimental vehicles in high school.
Rob, Sam, and Daniel have each had the opportunity to captain teams that have powered their projects with solar, electric and human power and are looking forward to seeing what challenge Trek and Make48 present them with!
UW-Stout MOC

Team MOC is from the UW-Stout Manufacturing Outreach Center, a diverse group from the north woods of WI.
The trio work with manufacturers on continuous improvement, training, and workforce development.
Meet Jeff, Heidi & Mike.
UW-Stout Industrial Design

Over the past few years, Lauren, Margaret, Henry and Jack have worked together and gained strong relationships through attending the Industrial Design program at the University of Wisconsin-Stout.
They love to make and design things that improve peoples lives and help the environment.
Stellar Tech Girls

Stellar Tech Girls is a company in Madison, WI that inspires and empowers girls and nonbinary kids to see their potential as engineers!
This team includes the company founder Marina, an aerospace engineer and STEM advocate, and camp counselors Keerthi, Ella, and Nina who are all high school girls interested in science and technology. They are a team of feminists who are passionate about computer engineering, electronics, medical research, aerospace, and inspiring girls to learn about STEM!